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New York Agriculture

New York is a leading agricultural state, worth more than $8 billion in revenue in 2022. Below is the latest data available, provided by USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service, the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets and Farm Credit East.

According to the USDA 2022 Ag Census, there were 30,650 farms in New York State and 6,502,286 acres in production. New York farms employ 56,678 people.  All sectors of agriculture, including processing, are responsible for nearly 200,000 jobs in New York State.

  • 98% of farms in New York are family owned
  • 30,650 farms in New York, down from 33,438 in 2017.
  • 6,502,286 acres in production, down from 6,866,171 in 2017.
  • Average farm size is 212 acres, up from 205 acres in 2017.
  • The average net farm income of $76,281 per farm is slightly below the national average.
  • 21,894 female producers and 35,664 male producers
  • The average producer age is 56.7 years old, up from 55.8.
  • 6,335 farmers under the age of 35, a drop from 6,718 producers in 2017.

New York's National Rankings

New York is a major agricultural state, ranking in the top ten in production of 30 commodities. It is first nationally in the production of cream cheese and cottage cheese; second in apples, maple syrup, cabbage, and yogurt; and ranked highly in tart cherries, green peas, and many more. 

1st— yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream

2nd— apples, snap peas, maple syrup, cabbage

3rd— wine, grapes, and total Italian cheese

4th— corn silage and total cheese

5th— milk, tart cherries, green peas and squash

New York’s Top 10 Agricultural Products Based Market Value in 2022 USDA Ag Census

  1. Milk
  2. Grains, Oilseeds, dry beans & dry peas
  3. Fruit, Tree Nuts & Berries
  4. Nursery, Greenhouse, & Floriculture
  5. Vegetables, Melons, Potatoes & Sweet Potatoes
  6. Cattles & Calves
  7. Hay
  8. Poultry & Eggs
  9. Horses
  10. Other Animals

Value of New York Farm Products

Cash receipts by commodity in 2022 was:

  • Dairy Products and milk -- $3.9 billion
  • Fruit, Berries and Tree Nuts -- $721 million
  • Vegetable, Melons, and Potatoes--$500 million 
  • Cattle and Calves --$493 million 
  • Poultry and Eggs--$356 million 
  • Horses -- $76 million
  • Maple -- $30 million