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Promotion and Education


Are you Interested in doing more to teach others about agriculture and the food system?

Do you feel that your neighbors don't understand your farm?

Are you looking for a way to reach out to children who have never seen a farm?


As a  New York Farm Bureau member, there are unlimited opportunities to share your experience on and off the farm, in your community and with consumers. If you are enthusiastic about sharing more about agriculture, the Promotion & Education program is for you!

Together, we:

  • Promote the awareness and understanding of agriculture;
  • Empower grassroots members with effective tools for engagement; and
  • Provide training opportunities to equip volunteers to confidently connect with consumers and effectively convey the significance of agriculture.


Check out our brochure about the Promotion and Education program for more information. 


For more information on Promotion & Education Programs, contact: proed@nyfb.org