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New York Farm Bureau Statement on Gov. Hochul's 2024 State of the State Address


The following statement can be attributed to New York Farm Bureau President David Fisher:

“New York Farm Bureau remains committed to working with Gov. Hochul and the state legislature to invest in agriculture and support common sense laws and regulations that will provide opportunities for the state’s family farms. In her State of the State, the governor promises to fight for farmers, especially as they face climate and labor challenges. We appreciate the recognition as these issues weigh heavily on New York agriculture.

Her full agenda highlights mental health services, investment in dairy processing and milk storage, support for agricultural workforce development and our youth, and increased funding for the New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health as well as recognition for the state’s growing aquaculture industry. These are all laudable goals that will support the diversity of the state’s family farms.

The upcoming executive budget proposal will provide a better view of her funding priorities for these initiatives and all of agriculture. We are hopeful that she will continue to fully fund much needed programs that support environmental conservation, research, and agricultural promotion as well as the expansion of food access programs like Nourish NY and Healthy School Meals for All. Investing in agriculture is an investment for all of New York State.”




New York Farm Bureau is the State’s largest agricultural lobbying/trade organization. Its members and the public know the organization as “The Voice of New York Agriculture.” New York Farm Bureau’s mission is “Supporting today’s agricultural needs and creating member opportunities for tomorrow through advocacy and education.”