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American Harvest Documentary

Filmmaker Angelo Mancuso is encouraging farmers to use his documentary “American Harvest” to increase agricultural literacy in the state and educate the public on the farm labor issue. See more at www.americanharvestmovie.com.

The hour and a half film can be used in a variety of ways. For example, Mancuso and Farm Bureau staff member Mark James screened the film at Hobart and William Smith Colleges followed by a panel discussing the ag labor and immigration issues. Mancuso has found these events to be well attended and productive educational vehicles and encourages farmers to contact local colleges to find out if a screening and forum are possible.

Mancuso suggests two ways to use the film in your community. The first is to give a DVD copy to anyone who doesn't understand agriculture and the difficulties with a reliable workforce. There is a link to Amazon.com on http://www.americanharvestmovie.com/ where the DVD is available for $14.99. 

The second is to consider donating a copy of "American Harvest" to your local public library. Perhaps the film could be included in an "Agriculture Literacy" event. Several libraries have hosted a screening and discussion of the film, allowing the community to reconnect with farmers. The DVD with Public Performance Rights is available directly from the filmmaker for $45, which includes the PPR license and shipping. This also encourages more people to sign out and view the film.

Contact the fillmaker at: Angelo Mancuso, White Hot Films, 76 East Blvd. Suite B-4, Rochester, NY 14610, (585) 697-7112 or www.twitter.com/AngeloMancuso.