Young Farmers & Ranchers Social Activities
All of the Young Farmer & Ranchers (YF&R) events and activities have a social aspect. Attending county meetings, picnics, community service projects and Young Farmers & Ranchers Leadership Conferences enables Young Farmers the opportunity to network with their peers and benefit from their time off the farm.

The 2025 YF&R Conference will be held on January 11-12, 2025
Where: Craftsman Inn Syracuse, NY
Cost: Early Bird Registration (by StaCon) $99
Late Registration is $125
- Hotel is $119 plus tax
- A county could sponsor $250 for one young farmer to attend.
- Farm tours, volunteer work, giving back to the community, workshops, networking opportunities, and night tubing
Click here to register.
Contact YF&R Coordinator Renee Ciardi for more information at 518-461-8659 or
Community Service
Harvest For All Project
The New York Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers have joined Young Farmers & Ranchers across the nation to partner with Feeding America (formerly America’s Second Harvest), the largest domestic hunger-relief organization in the U.S., to conduct the “Harvest for All” campaign. The YF&R Committee has adopted this campaign as a service project. County Young Farmers & Ranchers are conducting food drives and volunteering their time to assist at local food pantries and food banks.
Since 2007, New York Farm Bureau has been recognized as one of the leading states to participate in Harvest for All Project, a partnership between Farm Bureau and Feeding America. This national program is a collaboration between farmers and food banks to provide nutritious, local food to those who need it most.
Advocate with NYFB in Washington, D.C.
NYFB makes several trips a year to Washington D.C. to advocate on behalf of the New York agriculture industry. These trips include visiting with Senators, Representatives and staff to discuss NYFB policy priorities and other legislative and regulatory actions that affect farm businesses in New York. Trips also include meeting with regulatory agencies and foreign embassies to discuss farm regulation, policy and programs administered by the agencies or foreign governments. NYFB members interested in attending a trip should contact their NYFB Field Staff.
There is an opportunity for NYFB Young Farmers to attend national advocacy trips at 50% cost-share. Click here for more information.