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Agricultural Literacy Week
This year's Agricultural Literacy Week takes place March 17-21, 2025.
For more information or to volunteer as a reader, or to sponsor/donate a book, please visit the New York Agriculture in the Classroom website.
How Does Agricultural Literacy Week (ALW) Work?
In celebration of New York agriculture, volunteers throughout the state read a book with an agricultural theme to elementary students, with a focus on second-grade classrooms. This year's book is "The Pie That Molly Grew" by Sue Heavenrich. Farmers, FFA and 4-H members, adults engaged in a career in agriculture, and others engaged in our food system volunteer to enthusiastically engage your students in a paired hands-on activity related to the book to extend learning. The book will be donated to the school or classroom library with a bookplate recognizing the donor and our celebration of New York Agricultural Literacy Week. Start to finish, the program takes about 40 minutes per classroom. Last year, 2,300 books were donated and 75,000 elementary students participated in an experiential learning activity.
Program basics:
- Agricultural Literacy Week volunteers work with their county's coordinator to set up visits to local schools.
- Volunteers read the selected book aloud to students.
- Following the reading, volunteers conduct an activity with students and share their experiences in agriculture.
- The book is donated to the school or classroom library for students to enjoy and reference throughout the school year.